Date of website creation, today i made a few short clips of music, and created this website (the guestbook, index.html, lemondemon.html, beepbox.html, music.html, and blog.html.)
Ok, i'm listening to view-monster again after not listening to it for a couple days, and i guess i've overlistened to it, because i don't like most of it right now, only amnesia and gadzooks
How am i going to do the styling for this website? I want to keep it as readable as possible, because i like that, so i might go ahead and do a combination of like that and.... no maybe i want beige textboxes with medium-thick white borders floating on a dark blue and black starry background
i tire of your mindgames i'm sick of playing don't wake daddy good sir no more rock paper siscors (why can't i spell scissors?) for me
yeah i'll be sure to thank you before i shank you
(ok maybe it's just the early songs)
tickle fight, tickle fight, ladidadee doo no tickle fight
[that was fun, where's my knife]
Update checklist: update blog first-thing, if i add a page, make sure it gets put onto the pages page (hopefully can automate that at some point in the future; if i were to automate it, then i would only want html pages to be added automatically, and i wouldn't want them to be deleted. maybe i could have a script that runs whenever the page is opened that automatically adds a link to every page that isn't already there?)
I had a headache getting the favicon to work, so it 1. doesn't work on firefox, and 2. i have to manually add it to every page i create. Maybe there's a default template i can change to make it less of a pain in the sagittarius?
Oh, the title also defaults to something stupid too... (i wish i could change the default)
Wow, has it really been that long? My sleep schedule has really gotted f'ed up over the last week, it's gotten to the point where i'm literally going to sleep at 8am and waking up at 5pm 😐 (lol i'm writing this at 5:00am)
Also, I haven't been making as much music stuff. I've just been watching yt videos and making a half-hearted attempt at learning japanese..j.
I guess i haven't updated this in a while, huh? I've been mostly posting on cohost (@sinus-disease), and not here. Maybe i'll just use this website for linking to other websites i find interesting?
btw, here's a link to another website i found interesting: The website of the developer of Baba is You